Let all of Africa’s diaspora, sons and daughters, flow back to Africa, and invest in Africa

Let all of Africa’s diaspora, sons and daughters, flow back to Africa, and invest in Africa

The current situation of some countries in the African continent is not so good. Among the countries of the African continent, the economic condition of some other countries like Uganda, Kenya, and Ghana is not very good. People of the country are deprived of their various needs due to their economic condition.

Africa is known as the poorest continent in the world. Where there are more poor than rich. Although Africa has abundant mineral resources under its soil, there is strong manpower. Still, the first 10 countries on the list of the world’s poorest countries are from Africa. It also has a lot of history behind it. Sectarianism, riots, political instability, corruption, and terrorism are involved. Natural disasters, civil wars, refugee crises, economic crises, and terrorism are affecting the African continent today.

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About the Topics

Africa is facing the same conflict today. In the year 2015, doctors, nurses, and scientists estimated that the number of African trade medical students or graduates reached 13000584 in the United States alone. A report called Brain Drain by the Ibrahim Foundation found a ban on further assessment of Africa’s potential. That is 2015 an eye coat 86 percent of all African educated physicians working in the United States were trained in Egypt Ghana Nigeria and South Africa.

Just imagine what Africa must learn from India. They must establish such programs. African medical doctors assist expatriates to return to Africa and are therefore pleased to inform you. The African Development Bank and the World Health Organization. Pedro is their god who had a side meeting this time. The World Health Summit and African governments have decided to strategically tap diaspora African physicians to invest in what they call Africa’s connectivity and quality health infrastructure, including establishing first-rate medical facilities. The African Development Bank plans to invest three billion dollars in quality health infrastructure for Africa.

Diaspora Africans are important to Africa’s economic development, with the value of remittances from the African diaspora increasing from $37 billion in 2010 to $87 billion in 2019. Reaching nearly $96 billion by 2021.

Yet when the president of an African development bank and they do concessional financing, official development assistance for Africa in 2021 was only $36 billion and that’s 36 percent of the remittances they say they get from their diaspora I think you should climb Egypt and Nigeria among them. are among the top 10 remittance recipients globally with receipts of $32 billion and $19 billion respectively in 2021.

So, the African diaspora has become Africa’s largest financier and it is not loans, but a new form of gift or grants 100 concessional financing that is the key to livelihood security for millions of Africans.

Africans must use the huge opportunities offered by diaspora bonds so their bonds are effective instruments for harnessing remittances for African development.

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About the Video

Make Afrika Great is a global streaming news network for a new generation of leaders and professionals. Their coverage spans your entire world, from your career ambitions to your personal passions and larger societal concerns. They provide the insights you need to adapt and thrive in times of historic transformation across all domains of life.

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Some of the comments

Some of these comments are given below.


As a Jamaican, this is wonderful to hear. Africa, we want should also be able to set aside money in its budget to help African governments in the diaspora meet their obligations. “AFRICA Must UNITE”! for all of us. Long Live Africa!

Johnny John

True Son of Africa. If all African Leaders have Africa in mind like Mr.Ade Ethiopian Mr.Abi, Mr, Paul Kagame, Mr, John Magufoli Thomas Sankara, Sekou Tour, Mama African Americans Ambassador, etc., no stupidity will be allowed from anyone in Africa and the Entire world. Thanks and God bless you all with your Entire Family and your Generations to come.


By allowing a smooth transition for the diaspora Africa will benefit from the skills of the diaspora combined with the skills of the people in the motherland

Gaudence Fwalo

With the change of mindset and attitude that only the Europeans can bring development to the African countries. We have to begin to do things by ourselves then we begin to learn without that we will continue to sing the same song of poverty while the nations are rich.

Clement GAVI

He is right and he is from Nigeria a few days ago we have seen a Nigerian police officer who exhibits our fellow Africans they have arrested and the police officer said ‘they represent a security threat to Nigeria because they are undocumented. To shape a psychological culture that retains, and attracts, people must feel valued, and for that purpose, people must be treated with benevolence. And this cannot be achieved through discourses only.

At Snap Supplements we believe optimizing your health should be simple. That’s why we’re committed to providing you with natural, high-quality supplements made with only the purest and carefully selected superfoods, botanicals, vitamins, and minerals formulated for optimal health impact and results.

We take quality to a new standard; our products go through inspections and certifications so you get the best product. Buy Now.


Many professionals from many African countries are working in different countries around the world. They are engaged in various activities. Some are doctors, some are nurses, and some are working as scientists in addition to corporate work.

Today the condition of Africa is very bad if they show love for their country and invest in their country then it is very easy to improve the economic condition of their country. One day their good days will return.

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