10 Hacks for Taking Amazing Photos While on An African Safari

A once-in-a-lifetime chance to see some of the most stunning animals in the world is provided by an African safari. It’s a photographer’s fantasy come true since it gives you the chance to take beautiful pictures of imposing animals in their natural settings. However, it might be difficult to get stunning images when on an African safari. Technical proficiency, environmental knowledge, and an awareness of animal behavior are often needed for this. We’ll cover 10 tips in this post for getting stunning pictures on your African safari. This includes choosing the proper equipment and camera settings, as well as creating gorgeous compositions and improving your photographs after the fact. Furthermore, these suggestions will enable you to take breath-taking pictures that you’ll cherish for many years whether you’re an enthusiast or an aspiring photographer. Come along as we highlight more on this below.

1. Bring the proper equipment and get familiar with it

The quality of the photos you capture might vary greatly depending on the camera you use. You shouldn’t just depend on your phone’s camera as a result. Think about investing in an SLR camera with zoom capabilities.

A tripod for support, additional power supplies, and extra memory cards should also be included. Memory space running out is the last thing you want.

You should also have some camera cleaning tools on ready since you’ll be traveling through a lot of mud and dust.

If you purchased a new camera for the safari, take some time in advance to get comfortable with all the settings. If you don’t know how to operate your camera, you probably won’t have any excellent photos to show for your vacation.

Make sure you take your camera outdoors and experiment with various lighting, distances, etc. to find the optimum settings.

2. Show patience

Don’t leave an animal after only a few photos and go on to the next one. Sit with a herd of zebras if you stumble across them for a time. They may start acting attractively and intriguingly, or other animals could appear.

The greatest technique to get quality images is to observe and wait. To capture the greatest images, you may need to sit in the same place for some time.

Although patience is often rewarded, you should still use caution when approaching some creatures, such as hippos. You will be instructed by the tour guide to speak quietly and to avoid blocking the hippo’s path. You must do what the tour leader or operator directs in these situations.

3. Composition and lighting

Be sure to consider the angles and layouts before you take the picture. Avoid the error of zooming in on an animal so closely that the surrounding is obscured. Include background elements like trees, water, and other objects in the image.

Your images will have greater depth and beauty as a result.

Of course, you may also snap close-up pictures of the animals, but remember to zoom. Avoid removing any trees or tree branches from the scene.

Play around with the light a little as well. Learn when to use and when not to utilize your flash. If you are unsure about the kind of lighting and composition that creates a nice photograph, you should first invest some time in study.

4. Take photographs at night

Midnight predatory cats like lions and leopards like to relax during daylight hours and pursue their prey covertly at night. One has to follow a few inventive safari photography ideas if you want to catch these majestic creatures at night. This comprises:

A. Wildlife photography in low light settings

You must understand low-light settings if you want to take the best pictures at sunset.

You’ll need a wide aperture with a depth of focus of f3.5, a precise ISO setting, and a stable camera platform for this.

Take a series of photos once the shot is at its ideal location. Even while most of these photos will come out blurry, one will really get the ideal image.  The highlight will further improve the photograph and give it a more polished appearance.

B. Outside spotlight

Choose an external flash or spotlight. Using the on-camera flash results in aesthetically unpleasant, artificial, flat photos with unattractive shadows. As an additional external light source, you might make use of your car’s spotlight.

5. Record their eyes’ severity

While photographing safari animals can appear easy, it isn’t always. By going one step further and catching the passion and emotions in their eyes, you may improve your photographic abilities.

Safaris provide a rare opportunity to photograph animals’ eyes, including seals, shrews, birds, leopards, and sometimes even predators. A fantastic photograph may be ensured by getting up near to these creatures and making them gaze into the camera.

With the ideal zoom setting and a good camera perspective, it is feasible to capture light in the animals’ eyes.

6. Don’t always put the focus in the middle:

The Rule of Thirds is among the most popular and highly suggested techniques for photographing animals. Whether it’s an animal or a specific location, we often place our photographic subject in the middle of the image. Even while doing this isn’t incorrect, you won’t be obtaining the most out of the image.

To put it another way, imagine you come across a Lion on a high point, facing the pastures. You would position the cat at the edge and take a photo of the larger scene with the cat towering over the livestock eating.

7. Bring a backup device for your safari photos.

Memory cards and laptops are two of the easiest methods for backing up your photos while on a safari. When traveling, professional safari photographers usually have extra memory cards with them.

It would be best to carry a laptop with at least 1TB of RAM as a backup. Bring a portable hard drive as well so you may rapidly transfer the pictures from the memory cards to the portable hard drive or your laptop.

8. Keep in mind to incorporate people

Although at this point it may seem like the ideal wildlife photography advice, some of your best safari photos will really be taken with your family. However, we spend the whole trip behind the camera in our enthusiasm to acquire the ideal photo of the animals, failing to record these special moments with your loved ones.

Take some unposed pictures of your loved ones, friends, and spouse. In the future, they will make for some great memories.

9. Consult your safari guide

Although your safari guide is an expert at spotting various species, they may not understand what makes a good photograph. Asking them to move the car into a little different location is not anything to be terrified of. Since this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, be sure to interact with the guide to acquire the finest pictures.

10. Pay attention to the details

You could miss the lesser fauna sometimes due to the beauty of larger creatures like lions and elephants. However, you shouldn’t commit this error. Small creatures you didn’t expect to come across on a safari are some of the most stunning animals you’ll see. So keep in mind to take your time and take pictures of all the creatures you encounter, not just the big ones.


In conclusion, by using these 10 tips, you’ll be adequately on your way to getting great shots of animals in their natural settings while on an African safari. Always put your safety and the safety of others first, and appreciate the surroundings and the animals. Your safari images will make everyone who sees them green with envy if you have the correct equipment, technical know-how, and a little luck.

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